134 - The Power of 3
Jan 15, 2024Hi. My name is Nick Brown, founder of cookie. And I help professional chefs become inspirational leaders by focusing on passion, their profession, and their personal development. So welcome, I am so glad that I get to be here with you. Today, we are going to be expanding a little bit more in depth into this feasting on life model. Now, yesterday, I kind of showed it to you and I kind of hand drew to just kind of give you an idea of what's going on in each one. And so today, I've got a nice clean thing, picture for it. And so here we go, I am going to go ahead and switch on here. And let's look at this. Okay. So as you can see, this feasting on life, you've got your personal, you've got your professional and you've got your passion. These are the things these are the three areas of your life that we're going to be focusing on throughout the entirety of this coaching. So let's get you on here. And let's make this bigger right here. Here we go. So the whole point of the rule of three is that you've got three different levels. Okay. When I was cooking, one of the most difficult questions that people had was, how much do I prep, because you don't want to prep so much that you have to throw stuff away, because everything that you make is perishable. Okay, but you don't want to prep so little, that halfway through your shift, you're having to quickly make some more stuff just just to be able to make it through the end of the shift. And then you've got the the occasional outliers that all of a sudden somebody's like, I don't know what it is. But sometimes one dish just sells like crazy in one day, and so you're never sure which day that's going to be. So how do you know how much to prep, so that you can make it through the entire shift without having to leave the line and go grab your backups, or make some prep just to finish out your shift, or you have to at six, something, you have to say that we no longer have it. So that's where I came out with this rule of three. And this rule of three is that you prep for three days of normal service. So this is a thought process that you're preparing, you are making goals, you are thinking ahead and saying this is the destination, I want to get to three days worth of service. And you think okay, well, how much do I need to prep of three next three days? If they're normal service? Okay, what do I need to do? And then what do I need to focus on right here right now to be able to accomplish that task? So that's what this rule of three is all about. It's what is your end destination? That's the first, that's the first of the three, that end destination. This is your, when you're thinking about your goals in life. What is that six month goal? I don't like to go too far, much further than six months, because realistically, life is all over the place. And by the time you get to that your six year goal may have adjusted a little bit. So I like to think just six months out. Yes, I've got the grand vision, I've got the the idea of who I want to be, and what I need to do. But six months out is like I can accomplish this goal by six months. So think about that. What is your six month goal? That's your six months stretch. Now it's got to be something that's going to stretch you you're you're not trying to make it so that you always make it. If you're always making you're not pushing yourself far enough, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. So put out a goal out there that just might be completely out of there and just work your butt to try and get to it. So six months stretch, then you think, what do I need to do for the next 90 days? So this is the what are the actual skills that I need to know to be able to hit that what is my path leading up to that? Okay, these are still slightly generalized but a little bit more focused. These are goals that are saying to yourself, I'm going to hit it so far. Okay. And I need to, you know, let's just say you want to create a menu. Okay. You want to create a menu for a new menu for the next For the next season, that's your six months for the next 90, what do you need to do? Well, you need to figure out what kind of foods are going to be seasonally available. You need to figure out recipes that may be common during that time any kind of common dishes, traditional dishes during that time of the year. And yeah, and other kind of goals like that, okay. But then you think, okay, then you pull it back, what do I need to figure out this month, for the next 30 days. And these are the next 30 days, this is the stuff that you're going to be focusing on that says, Okay, I need to contact vendors and find out this information. I need to research and go to 10 websites and research, or read three books, or, you know, go talk to a farmer to figure out what he's got planted already. Because in 90 days, and almost six months, that's what he's going to have, that's going to be growing and producing, right. So those are kind of the things that you you need to think about. So now that's the goal, that's going to be kind of like, you know, your professional goal, this is the thing that's going to make you money. Okay. I like to think that in each one of these areas, you're making three goals, one for your professional, one for your personal and one for your passion. Now, for a personal Mine would be I want to build a network of, you know, five really close friends. And what is that? Okay, so what does that mean? So I pull it back, and I'm like, well, in order to have really close friends, I want to be able to, you know, go have, you know, an evening out, you know, twice a month with these, you know, five really good friends. Okay, that's your next goal for the next for the next 90. What is the goal for this? You know, in the next 30 days? Well, I need to pick which ones they are, 90, start scheduling it. Okay, so that's, that's your, you know, that could be your personal goal. For a passion goal. For me, it would be something like I want to sing in the Messiah, okay, I want to do a solo in the Messiah. So what do I need to do, I need to have this piece constant ready. And in order to get that I've got to pick which piece I'm working on and work on it, you know, three days a week, something that kind of like that. So you take your big goal, you bring it back for the next 90, and then you bring it in to the next 30 days. So I have a couple of worksheets that help you with these kinds of aspects. I have a worksheet that's called the chef navigator. It's got your long term goal, what is your vision? What is your mission? What are your core values? And what do you want to accomplish kind of that generalized one year, but then you pare it down to six months to nine months to six months, three months, and so on, so forth. Now, this chef's navigator Sheet worksheet is a living document, you're always thinking a little bit further ahead. But then I've got what I've called the three for 30 Persistence goals. Now this worksheet has everything to do with exactly what steps you're going to take you create a goal. And the steps and the standards you're going to do during that time for the next night for the next 30 days, and one on each area of your life. And that way, you're always progressing, you're always growing, and you're always getting working on all aspects of your life. So that way, not one area doesn't get overly doesn't get all of your attention to the detriment of the other ones for too long. Okay. Again, I talk about work and life harmony, and not balance because the harmony, things go in and out one month, we could be really busy working at work another month. It's really slow at work. So we're working on our passion. The next month, we're going to be going on vacation. So we're going to have that focus on the family and we're not going to worry about work. We're not going to worry about our passion. We're just going to worry about our family that month. So things ebb and flow as they're going on. But as long as we maintain that, that kind of harmony and consistent working towards one towards an end next is how we really got to To start to expand our lives, and to really build that joy and personal success and fulfillment in our lives and that's what this rule of 30 is all about. It's three for the rule of three is all about. It's all about keeping everything into perspective and making sure that your life is worth living.