124 - Feasting on Life Coaching

Oct 25, 2023

Welcome, I am so glad you're here, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you are here that you have clicked on this video, and that you are willing to understand what it is that I am offering. With this feasting on life model. I am coaching chefs. And I am helping them become the best that they possibly can. So that they can understand what is going on in their life, they can begin to understand their financial situation, begin to earn more money. They can build the relationships in their lives, and really maintain or get that passion back that they had for their lives. So my name is Nick Brown, and I'm the founder of cooking physics, and I am doing a group coaching, where I'm going to teach of a lot of chefs all about what is what are the lessons that I have learned? In my 20 years of working as a chef, I want to help you to understand these rules that I have created for myself that are part chef rules, and are part life rules. So the first one I'm gonna be talking about is feast is on this feast of the life is the taste everything. When you began cooking, when you began working in the culinary industry, one of the things that you learn at the very beginning is that you taste everything you go about and you taste things, and you get the flavor and you understand what things tastes like when it's raw, what things taste like and in the process of cooking, and various aspects of the cooking various stages. And then finally, what is the finished product and what is that tastes like? And how each one of these processes each one of these stages of cooking from the beginning product all the way to the end influence the flavor that you have at the end. The more that you are able to understand those that concept, the better your food becomes. I want you to think about in your life. What do you remember that you did last week? Think about it. What are some of the things that you remember you did last week? I bet you can come out with you know pretty good. What about this day? Last month? Can you remember what you did exactly this day last month? I bet you can't. But if you can. I bet there was something about that day. Right? So something that hit you an experience that created an emotion for you. And that's why you remember it. Now I don't know if this is a good remembering or, or if it's bad. I really don't know. I hope that it's a pleasant memory. Do you ever feel like life just kind of slips away. You're just kind of going through the motions. You're just moving forward and I want to work coming home from work, go to bed, go to work, come home from work, go to bed, eat every once in a while whenever you have time. And you never really are enjoying your life. It's just what you're doing right now. What's going on? If this is how you feel right now what's going on? Once you think about that, what is going on right now makes you feel like you're just going through the motions if this is the way that you're feeling right now, it's probably because you're not really present with where you're at right now. You're not really feeling what is going on. And you're more just going through the humdrum of life. What you're going through right here right now, if you're not really paying attention to what's going on is like the chef who just goes to the walk and grabs his stuff, puts it on the thing just goes to the motion as the seasoning when he's supposed to have the seasoning, you know, and put it on the plate and send it out. Who knows if that plate is good or bad? I mean, most likely, it's good because you've been trained to know at what, what point and each and each step to be able to get the finished product. But are you 100% sure that that's a good plate? If you're just going through the motions right now. It's kind of like that. Your life's probably okay, good. cruising along. But you're not really savoring what's going on. See, when I say taste everything, it's all about being present, being in the moment being where you're at right here, right now. Looking around you paying attention to what's going on, like, it's a sunny day. Oh, my goodness. Right now it's the fall. And I could just go straight to work and I work in the mountains, I could just go to work and come back, and never even pay attention to what's going on around me. Never seen those colors coming out. The Reds that are starting to come out, the yellows are gonna come out soon, the oranges. Oh, this beautiful thing, all these beautiful trees and the fall colors coming is going to be absolutely beautiful. But if I just focus just what's in front of me, just going to work. And just coming back, I will miss all of that. Tasting everything is a rule about being present. It's a rule about where you are right and here, right now. Because if we don't spend the time to think about what's going on, we don't spend the time to appreciate what we have to be grateful to really understand what it is about our lives that is so wonderful. And we can't enjoy it. If our lives aren't going as well as we want it to are you willing to really taste the food that's not so great to figure out which aspect of your life is not working correctly. Which aspect of that food is has gone bad. And you need to fix that. Tasting everything is about being here and enjoying your life. The other aspect of tasting everything is making sure that you record what's going on. See, I've always been a little averse to writing in a journal because I never knew what to say. I've always been really good at enjoying the the surroundings of what's going on in my life. And my wife gets all upset because I don't take pictures. Like I don't want to be looking behind the camera the entire time, I want to be enjoying life. And that's great. Except when I think about it. I know my life has been really good. But I can't remember, too many of the specific aspects have happened. And it wasn't until I started actually journaling. Now, I went through a very difficult time figuring out how to make that work. You see, the first thing that I started doing when I was learning how to journal was I was writing down on a piece of paper, but it's a blank sheet of paper. And after a couple of weeks, it was just like, I went to work. I came home everything's good. Okay, let's do it. And I wouldn't I knew I didn't know what to say. And then I'd lose the notebooks. I know I've started probably 15 different journals in my life. And I don't know where a single one of them are anymore. So that hasn't helped me. So then I started putting them you know, typing them on the computer like okay, I'm gonna type it on the computer. I'm gonna put it right there. And again, the same kind of thing after a little while it was just kind of come become remote, just wrote messaging and the same message every single time. And then I just feel like I'm done doing this. And again, I can go back and look at them. But I don't really what I found was the thing that's really helped me I enjoy talking. I enjoy thinking and talking out loud my thoughts And so about six months ago, I met a guy who said that, you know, he just goes for a walk in the morning, gets out his phone, hits the record, puts in his pocket, and starts walking. And he walks for 2030 45 minutes. And he's just talking the entire time, just talking out his thoughts. And I was like, Oh, that's good. So I started doing that. And ever since then, I've been hitting almost every single day. It's amazing. Because I'm one that the things on my feet, I mean, come on, we're chefs, we're always thinking on our feet, we're always thinking during movement, and to be sitting down at a desk, and just writing, it's so difficult. So hard. I can sit there and talk for 2030 minutes about what's going on in my life. I can replay conversations that I've had, or imagine future conversations that I want to have, and kind of work through how I want to talk to people about it. That has allowed me to be a lot more present of what's going on in my life. It's allowed me to, as I'm as I'm going through these things, at the very end, I actually read through what I said, because a lot of times I'm doing is just, I'm just talking, I'm just pulling stuff out of my head and putting it and putting it out there. And I'm like, I get I get to the end, I'm like, okay, sometimes I make my to do list while I'm doing this, or I set myself some goals, or I sit there and I told myself, I'm going to do this, and I make a commitment, really hard. I'm going to do it and then I get home and I forget it. But now that I have that record, I do remember that I made this commitment. But I'm like what was what was the exact wordings that I had? I'm gonna pull it from there. And that's what I can then use, I'm gonna write it down and post it on my wall. So I can remember. So that's what's been most beneficial to me. So I want you to think about this. What are you doing to capture the moments that you're at right now? What can you do to make that become a routine? And how do you review it? I challenge you for this week. Or after this after you get done with this color right here right now. Go through and figure out what's one, what's one way that you think you're going to start journaling? When are you going to do it? How are you going to record it? And when are you going to review it? Even if it's like two or three minutes afterwards? When are you going to review the things that you have put out? Are you going to do it once a week? To review your entire week, you're going to do it once a month review the month? Are you going to do it every single day a little bit afterwards? Maybe at the end of day you record it in the morning, and you review it at night? How well did I do and start to intentionally pay attention to what's going on in your life. What you will find by doing this is that you will be more present in every single aspect of your life. When you're at work, you're a lot more present about what's going on. You pay attention a little bit more as to what the conversations that other people are having. When you're at home with your family or with your friends, you begin to pay attention to their needs and their stories a little bit more. And therefore you're able to become more of a friend. So my challenge to you is to taste everything. Take this time and taste everything. Write it down, record it in some way shape or form and review it. Thank you so very much. And tomorrow we're going to be talking about the next rule. The next rule is your meeting plus what it is that you want to have, what are the what is your Misa plus in your life? So I will see you tomorrow for this brief, you know, 15 minute introduction into my chef rules. Thank you very much!