5 days of step by step instruction
Mise En Place Boot Camp
The Mise En Place Bootcamp teaches you how to organize your prep list in a professional kitchen, so you can have more time, get more done, and culture your creativity while working in a professional kitchen without getting bogged down in the day-to-day tasks.
What you'll get:
- One email each day to give you a preview of what the video course will include
- Tips and tricks on how to maximize your efforts and actions
- Learn how to stay ahead of prep and never fall behind again
- Begin to be more productive and efficient
- Discover more time in your day to do the things chefs love to do, EXPERIMENT
- No longer run out of prep during service reducing stress in an already stressful job
- Gain the respect of your co-workers.
Learn the tricks I have perfected over 20 years of working in professional kitchens. Get 2x the amount of prep done in half the time.
Peace of Mind
Never have to worry about all the prep you have to do the next day because your station got worked last night. Sleep better knowing you have a plan.
Step by Step
I will guide you step-by-step through the process of working a prep list. Gain insights about the reason even seasoned chefs use prep lists.